Kopfleiste überspringen
Family bonus
Family bonus


An activity for the whole family with a guaranteed fun factor.

Families will certainly enjoy a fun bowling game right inside of the Kinderhotel.
On our two traditional bowling alleys, young and old can test their skills.

When all nine are finally falling down, the cheers will not be staying away for long.
The joy and fun of a family bowling evening are guaranteed.

* Bowling is part of the inclusive services and there­fore without additional charge.
Child­ren may only use the bowling alley when accompanied by an adult.

An entertaining job; even if the weather invites you to stay indoors!

Kegeln im Kinderhotel Stegerhof
Mineraliensuche im Kinderhotel Stegerhof

Please register at the reception.

Other activities

Holidays filled with new and exciting experiences – for the whole family, no matter what the time of year.

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