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Family bonus
Family bonus

Afternoon snacks: full board that promises the whole family a real treat

There's nothing we love more than to give you a true pampering throughout your holidays. Take a brief timeout to enjoy some coffee or tea, or refresh yourself with the help of our fruit juices at the juice bar. On the other hand, our buffet of homemade cakes as well as our hearty afternoon snacks will be practically impossible to resist.

* for allergy-suf­fer­ers in your fa­mi­ly: At Ho­tel Ste­ger­hof, all guests with nu­tri­tion­al in­tol­er­anc­es re­cei­ve their own spe­cial me­als. Plea­se let us know your spe­ci­fic needs and wish­es in ad­van­ce, so that our kit­chen team is able to make you feel com­ple­te­ly at ease.

Enjoy a short
timeout from
4 - 5 p.m.

Afternoon snacks at the Stegerhof

By the way… The afternoon is also ice-cream time here with us! 

Afternoon snacks at Hotel Stegerhof

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