Kopfleiste überspringen
Family bonus
Family bonus

Lunchtime snacks: eat & drink healthily during your holidays 

All of those experiences in and around our hotel are certain to make you hungry. That said, you can look forward to a real treat when lunchtime arrives: thanks to a colorful salad buffet, a selection of nutritious soups as well as spicy and regional specialties – there is certain to be something here to appeal to everybody in your family. Our kitchen team also ensures that our younger guests have plenty of good healthy options to choose from as well.

* for allergy-suf­fer­ers in your fa­mi­ly: At Ho­tel Ste­ger­hof, all guests with nu­tri­tion­al in­tol­er­anc­es re­cei­ve their own spe­cial me­als. Plea­se let us know your spe­ci­fic needs and wish­es in ad­van­ce, so that our kit­chen team is able to make you feel com­ple­te­ly at ease.

We serve up a delicious and nutritious lunch every day from
12 - 1 p.m.

Lunches at Hotel Stegerhof

Delicious! Ice-cream time is an irresistible temptation for families.

Lunchtime snacks at Hotel Stegerhof

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