Kopfleiste überspringen
Family bonus
Family bonus


Whether for parents or children, this excursion is a unique holiday experience.

A leisurely tractor panorama ride with the family is not only great fun, it also has a pleasantly decelerating effect.

During the summer months we offer tractor rides twice a week for the whole family at the Kinderhotel Stegerhof.
The excursion route takes our guests to either the Oxenalm or Mörsbachalm. On the way there, families can merrily enjoy the natural landscape and fantastic views.

* The tractor panoramic ride is not part of the inclusive services and therefore a small surcharge will be added.

A tractor tour - a Highlight for the whole family!

Kinderspaß | Kinderhotel Stegerhof
Naturbadeteich im Kinderhotel Stegerhof

A fun outing for you as a family!

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Holidays filled with new and exciting experiences – for the whole family, no matter what the time of year.

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