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Family bonus
Family bonus

NAMASTE in the stegerhof

Yin and Yang in harmony - The yoga classes in the Stegerhof have a balancing and harmonizing effect, thereby integrating the needs of practitioners. Every level - whether you are an absolute novice or an advanced yogi - is warmly welcomed to be closer to yourself and to give your body what it needs. The goal of the class is to get Prana, the life energy, flowing again in order to master the everyday life powerful and relaxed.

* The entire wellness and spa area, as well as all yoga services are included in the inclusive services.
Children can use the yoga offer as part of childcare.

The parental leave balancing body, mind and soul.

for free

Yoga für Eltern und Kind im Kinderhotel Stegerhof
Wellness und Spa für Eltern im Kinderhotel Stegerhof

Discover also our soothing massage and beauty treatments.

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Pure adventure holiday - a wealth of activities for the whole family, no matter what the season.

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